Academic courses: Training in a specific subject, which can be adjusted to the length of the visit; Courses are set for groups of 8+ student and for a minimun of 10 contact hours.
Capstone Project/Undergraduate thesis: The Capstone Project/Undergraduate thesis is a senior level course that give students the experience to conduct research and apply the scientific process. It is guided and supervised by a professor who meets regularly with the student to design a doable study that will be presented in a form of poster, or oral presentation.
Independent Study: Academic course on a topic selected by the student and approved by the professor who mentors the students through the course with regular one-on-one meetings. The product of such a course is typically a paper that should demonstrate the student’s ability to consult the literature on the topic of choice and write a scholarly manuscript about it, in a form of a review.
Internships: a program designed to provide real-world experience and that enables students to learn and sharpen practical skills in a particular field while in pursuit of a degree. Usually, an internship is administered by a professor and supervised by a field assistant/manager, for an individual student, or a group of students. Its duration may vary from 2weeks period, to 2 or 6 months.
Research Projects: Opportunities for undergraduate and graduate studies (Capstone Projects, Master Thesis, Doctoral Dissertations) that could be aligned with current agroecology projects in progress in BFI. More options are available in this context to accommodate the research needs of our guests.
Volunteerism: a program that enables volunteers to be part of an on-going research project and work without receiving a compensation, under the guidance of a researcher. Volunteers learn new skills, while contributing to the execution of the project.
Course Offer
Batipa Field Institute (BFI) is a model of sustainable land use and an experiential outdoor laboratory. Because of its location and diversity of habitats and species it has potential to offer professors from institutions of higher education from Panamá and foreign countries to come to BFI with their students and teach science courses such as:
- Tropical Ecology,
- Conservation Biology,
- Marine Biology,
- Coastal Ecology,
- Agroecology*
- Agroforestry with emphasis on Silvopasture*
- Bovine Reproductive Physiology*
- Silviculture
- Geology
- Hydrology and watershed management
- Global climate Change
We think that more courses for undergraduate students could include:
- Environmental education
- Outdoor Recreation
- Eco-tourism
- Cultural Anthropology
- History of Panama*
- Spanish language*
*These courses are offered also by OTEIMA University Faculty.
Special courses (for a variable number of credits) can be supported logistically by the Resident Director and/or Research Director:
- Independent Study
- Internship
- Capstone Project/Undergraduate thesis
Opportunities for graduate students are available as well if these are interested about a topic related to any field of emphasis here described, including agroecology and choose BFI as a location to conduct their research for a Masters’ Thesis, or Doctoral Dissertation.

Batipa Field Institute (BFI) provides the necessary structural, managerial, and logistic support for successful international exchanges, students’ travel study abroad courses and collaborations in conservation of biodiversity and various aspects of a sustainable development. BFI supports cooperation with agencies and institutions both domestic and international that may have similar interests in education and research about the various themes here described.
For more information visit us at:
or contact:
Dr. Francisco Ugel, Vice President of Academic Affairs
Phone: +507 67215739
Also, follow us on FaceBook at: